My Null Composure Guide

Dec 17, 2020
Hey guys! So regardless of what Datto says, this FR (as told by friends, since I'm still grinding it out) is awesome for PvE. Here is what I've worked out as a fantastic way to grind this out:

1) Stasis Subclass - Yes, you lose out on the Solar Subclass kills, but the additional bonus you get for a Stasis Subclass to points and activity completions really makes it worth it.
2) Rock a Solar Fusion Rifle - I've been using Jotunn, since it obliterates, tracks, and is a multi-kill machine in PvE and Gambit (as well as an Invader's best friend). If you don't have one, or want to use Thousand Voices (which I don't have) in the Heavy Slot or Bastion in the kinetic slot, I really like the Gambit FR this time as well.
3) Gambit or PvP Scorch (when available) for activities - each of these activities awards 3% completion with Stasis Subclasses and 4% completion if your team wins the match, and are FAST as well as good ways to get weapon kill points. Gambit with Jotunn makes you an insane invader, especially during the enemy primeval, and guardian kills are pretty much an entire percentage point with a solar weapon for the weapon kills.

I hope this guick and dirty guide helps.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Gambit also gives you 5% completion on a win ! I still have to play Gambit !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I've already gotten it. I've been using it in PvP with some success since I am not a fusion guy anyway. I've taken the attitude DILLGAF and just play. Shoot what's in front on me if I die, so be it. It's a game, I'm not getting upset.

Anyway, it's a decent fusion, I just need to figure out how to play with fusions.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Oh, and I Joey Tune'd my way through this. I needed fusion kills for the guilding of my Unbroken title, so I cheesed it and went Jotunn... Darn shot gunners had it coming...
Dec 17, 2020
Oh, and I Joey Tune'd my way through this. I needed fusion kills for the guilding of my Unbroken title, so I cheesed it and went Jotunn... Darn shot gunners had it coming...
Oh Jotunn will ALWAYS be my Gambit weapon. Since Sleeper, nothing has been as nasty and terrifying to see an Invader using as Megaman X's blaster spewing sentient fire. Also, I'm really hoping that they will give us a catalyst for it this season, with Ada-1 being used again. Give that a catalyst...and Le Monarque, hopefully for Le Monarque you will give it the Trinity Ghoul treatment and make it so every arrow gives it a perfect draw poison effect. Also, any Warlocks know if Le Monarque's poison also synergizes with Necrotic Grips like Thorn? Because if it does...that may actually be a better combo.

I'm just hoping I will actually WIN a Scorn Gambit with the meatball...I want my Malfeasance quest to really start already....
Dec 17, 2020
You don't have Malfeasance yet?

View attachment 9
My daughter was born about 3 days before Warmind came out in Year 1 and as a result of that and lots of sudden houseguestery, I couldn't play for that expansion or alot of Year 2. I spent most of Year 3 grinding to get the Warmind exotics, foolishly trying to get TLW / Thorn / Lumina done after they made CBMM the only way to do Crucible (that was an utter nightmare...TLW completion went from 76% to a week). And then I would be sitting in Gambit's queue for hours because no one was doing non-Prime, and the meatball didn't spawn in Prime. It's been a grind. XD
Dec 17, 2020
Malfeasance is my favorite hand cannon !
I've heard lots of love for it. Personally, until Ace of Spades there was not a HC in this game that I had tried I loved more than the old Crucible One Better Devils. I'm really just wanting to get it and see how it feels. The idea of using a Hand Cannon / Needler hybrid has my love of body shots tingling...


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I've heard lots of love for it. Personally, until Ace of Spades there was not a HC in this game that I had tried I loved more than the old Crucible One Better Devils. I'm really just wanting to get it and see how it feels. The idea of using a Hand Cannon / Needler hybrid has my love of body shots tingling...
If you need any help let me know , the "strike" part was a real bitch , It's The Corrupted strike with a different ending , thats why it took me so long to get it once we got a 3rd we got it done the rest is all Gambit after that !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
If you need any help let me know , the "strike" part was a real bitch , It's The Corrupted strike with a different ending , thats why it took me so long to get it once we got a 3rd we got it done the rest is all Gambit after that !

The corrupted strike was miserable for this. But not as bad as the one I believe for TLW. Which everone had the modified Savvathuun's song. That was a royal pain in the hiney...

I like Malfeasance. Now that the 120s aren't as prevelent and the 140/180s are doing better I've actually seen more of it in the crucible.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
The corrupted strike was miserable for this. But not as bad as the one I believe for TLW. Which everone had the modified Savvathuun's song. That was a royal pain in the hiney...

I like Malfeasance. Now that the 120s aren't as prevelent and the 140/180s are doing better I've actually seen more of it in the crucible.
Savathun's song was my favorite D2 strike until they brought back some of the old ones , To this day when I get the Corrupted strike I back out , I hate it and won't do it !! I did do it to get Malfeasance and it was well worth it , I use Malfeasance all the time !


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I fianally got the Null composure quest done , this Fusion rifle rocks it's probably the best one in the game right now for a non exotic I look for a nerf when the babies start crying !