Bungie Asking About Armor Exotics

Dec 17, 2020
I don't know if anyone else saw this the other day, but a Redditor blasted Bungie for not realizing how unusable / underpowered so many of their exotics are now (the Redditor focused on weapons like Tarrabah, which I think is awesome but I also don't have, and DARCI), but DMG04 in responding also wanted to know about other exotics that need an overhaul, and I started to think of so many Red War / CoO / Warmind exotics armor pieces that need overhauling, Primarily because of how the game changed with Forsaken. I mean, I have a set of Peacekeepers on my Titan with a near 70ish stat roll (if anyone needs a refresher, those are the exotic legs that look like they have Robocop's holster built in) that auto-reload stowed SMGs. You also have the Lucky Pants (for the old dual primary dual weilding HC using Hunters out there), Vesper of Radius, Khepri's Horn, Young Ahamkara's Spine. There are so many that need the Aeon Cult reworking I was wondering if anyone else can think of ideas?

I mean, Weapons can be arguably improved by moving them to another slot (DARCI would be my Sniper of choice if it wasn't a heavy weapon, QBB would be amazing if it was a special weapon as well), but what could they do with armor? The only Reason Actium War Rig is still so useful is because it auto-reloads not only ARs, but also Machine Guns, otherwise it would be very limited to Sweet Business synergy only. What else can anyone think of / think of ways to make those unused exotics somewhat useful?


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I don't know if anyone else saw this the other day, but a Redditor blasted Bungie for not realizing how unusable / underpowered so many of their exotics are now (the Redditor focused on weapons like Tarrabah, which I think is awesome but I also don't have, and DARCI), but DMG04 in responding also wanted to know about other exotics that need an overhaul, and I started to think of so many Red War / CoO / Warmind exotics armor pieces that need overhauling, Primarily because of how the game changed with Forsaken. I mean, I have a set of Peacekeepers on my Titan with a near 70ish stat roll (if anyone needs a refresher, those are the exotic legs that look like they have Robocop's holster built in) that auto-reload stowed SMGs. You also have the Lucky Pants (for the old dual primary dual weilding HC using Hunters out there), Vesper of Radius, Khepri's Horn, Young Ahamkara's Spine. There are so many that need the Aeon Cult reworking I was wondering if anyone else can think of ideas?

I mean, Weapons can be arguably improved by moving them to another slot (DARCI would be my Sniper of choice if it wasn't a heavy weapon, QBB would be amazing if it was a special weapon as well), but what could they do with armor? The only Reason Actium War Rig is still so useful is because it auto-reloads not only ARs, but also Machine Guns, otherwise it would be very limited to Sweet Business synergy only. What else can anyone think of / think of ways to make those unused exotics somewhat useful?

90% of the exotics need a rework. Some need a nerf (Bastion, Crimson), some need a buff and some just need a rework on what they do (armor pieces).

QBB isn't QBB, it's just QB...
Dec 17, 2020
90% of the exotics need a rework. Some need a nerf (Bastion, Crimson), some need a buff and some just need a rework on what they do (armor pieces).

QBB isn't QBB, it's just QB...
I always forget Bastion, and I never use my Crimson...but I have the catalyst and know just how nasty it is with that (makes me miss Red Death a fair bit though). I don't know if they need a nerf though. That's kind of like back in Year 1 when people thought Sweet Business needed a nerf, and didn't really understand it just synergized that well with Actium War Rig. Also, the Forge Exotics need catalysts already. Jotunn and Le Monarque have perfect catalysts too, potentially. Le Monarque getting a catalyst that basically works like Trinity Ghoul's, only every arrow activates the DoT perk (naturally make unlocking the perk require something like 75 perfect draws on the bow as it is, like Polaris Lance's catalyst unlocks). Jotunn honestly doesn't need much of anything on it's catalyst aside from maybe auto-loading holster or something like Disruption Break/ Suppression while the target is on fire, which makes sense when you think about it.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I always forget Bastion, and I never use my Crimson...but I have the catalyst and know just how nasty it is with that (makes me miss Red Death a fair bit though). I don't know if they need a nerf though. That's kind of like back in Year 1 when people thought Sweet Business needed a nerf, and didn't really understand it just synergized that well with Actium War Rig. Also, the Forge Exotics need catalysts already. Jotunn and Le Monarque have perfect catalysts too, potentially. Le Monarque getting a catalyst that basically works like Trinity Ghoul's, only every arrow activates the DoT perk (naturally make unlocking the perk require something like 75 perfect draws on the bow as it is, like Polaris Lance's catalyst unlocks). Jotunn honestly doesn't need much of anything on it's catalyst aside from maybe auto-loading holster or something like Disruption Break/ Suppression while the target is on fire, which makes sense when you think about it.

I understand the synergy. However, when EVERYONE is using something, it means it's a little OP. It's not just synergy.

Crimson has turned into the HC for people who can't use 120s. It's everywhere in the crucible right now. The120s still need a range nerf. When I'm getting 3 tapped by a 120 and my scout is doing little at scout rifle ranges, it's a bit ridiculous. Crimson is now over used. I think that HCs overall range should be reigned in some.

I actually don't see Bastion used as much in the crucible right now. But I think it needs a nerf in the timing between shots. The charge rate could use a little lengthening.

Jotunn isn't used as much as it used to be. I use when I come across other Jotunns or Bastions. If they're going to be cheesy, so will I. It never works out for them. I do think Jotunn needs a change. Currently, if you ADS it's a straight shot, if you hip fire, it tracks. This is why you see Titans and Warlocks floating in the air hip firing it. It'll track you down. I think if they make the ADS track instead. Just like tracking rockets. It takes a moment to lock on, then fire.

Lemon Arc... Well. I don't know what to do here. I've come across a few players who have this bow down to a science. They one tap with Lemon Arc, then with a quick draw 120 they one tap and I'm dead. Pretty effective. I can't say much about that.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
90% of the exotics need a rework. Some need a nerf (Bastion, Crimson), some need a buff and some just need a rework on what they do (armor pieces).
Yes this is true , but DON"T nerf Crimson , they'll make it useless and it's a dam good gun leave it alone , with the hand cannon buff that's supposedly coming it will bring all the other ones up to par . Watch this for more info
. Kackis explains it pretty well , I gotta get those Necrotic grips for my 'Lock .


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Yes this is true , but DON"T nerf Crimson , they'll make it useless and it's a dam good gun leave it alone , with the hand cannon buff that's supposedly coming it will bring all the other ones up to par . Watch this for more info
. Kackis explains it pretty well , I gotta get those Necrotic grips for my 'Lock .

They better nerf the 120 range. I'm tired of losing a Last Stand vs Scout rifle at Scout rifle range.

They need to nerf the range on all hand cannons.

If everyone is using Crimson, then it's too strong. It means it's become the meta again.
Dec 17, 2020
They better nerf the 120 range. I'm tired of losing a Last Stand vs Scout rifle at Scout rifle range.

They need to nerf the range on all hand cannons.

If everyone is using Crimson, then it's too strong. It means it's become the meta again.
I think they needed to implement the D1, Y3 hand cannon fix. Suddenly they felt right: A precision weapon that had AR range, meaning a deft hand could beat an Ape as well as a bullet hose / Suros user could in PvP. I do Agree that so many of the HCs in the game right now have far too much effective range. Not every Hand Cannon needs to be The First Curse. That gun had the risk/ reward of "Yeah, it's a High-power hand cannon with rediculous range. But it shoots VERY slowly and reloads take forever unless you are a Hunter wearing Silvered Ahamkara's Grasps". No other HC in D2 has that issue, so they do need reining in.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
They better nerf the 120 range. I'm tired of losing a Last Stand vs Scout rifle at Scout rifle range.

They need to nerf the range on all hand cannons.

If everyone is using Crimson, then it's too strong. It means it's become the meta again.
I haven't been in the Crucible to much lately , but I agree with the Hand Cannons shouldn't have scout rifle range and some do , and it gets old quick getting beaten by them , I find I don't get as aggravated if I play the way they do even though some of the guns I get my ass handed to me by I don't have ( Trials and raid guns for example) If they want to use shot guns I will too my favorite shotgun right now is Telesto !! :LOL: :rolleyes:
Dec 17, 2020
I haven't been in the Crucible to much lately , but I agree with the Hand Cannons shouldn't have scout rifle range and some do , and it gets old quick getting beaten by them , I find I don't get as aggravated if I play the way they do even though some of the guns I get my ass handed to me by I don't have ( Trials and raid guns for example) If they want to use shot guns I will too my favorite shotgun right now is Telesto !! :LOL: :rolleyes:
Totally agree... I don't do Crucible much now because the utter focus on CBMM means that less skilled players like me are basically the AI characters you face in Titanfall to all the "Git Gud" people who play Crucible and don't care about anyone else's fun in the game. I mean really...I went from 1/2 done with my Thorn bounty and almost done with TLW to both being essentially restarted 1 week after the Arrivals change...I'm done with PvP. However, I'm very tired of doing PvP and seeing people cross-map me with Igneous Hammer / whatever that ToO Hand Cannon is, or invading in Gambit and having 2 of them team shot me to death before I can help the Primeval wipe them out.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Totally agree... I don't do Crucible much now because the utter focus on CBMM means that less skilled players like me are basically the AI characters you face in Titanfall to all the "Git Gud" people who play Crucible and don't care about anyone else's fun in the game. I mean really...I went from 1/2 done with my Thorn bounty and almost done with TLW to both being essentially restarted 1 week after the Arrivals change...I'm done with PvP. However, I'm very tired of doing PvP and seeing people cross-map me with Igneous Hammer / whatever that ToO Hand Cannon is, or invading in Gambit and having 2 of them team shot me to death before I can help the Primeval wipe them out.
I don't believe the Thorn had set back, only TLW had set back , and I ended up buying TLW out of the kiosk , I couldn't do the last part , tried 61 times finally gave up , I did get Thorn though !
Yep , Igneous Hammer is the Trials gun and I've been cross mapped by it many times , it is what it is .
Dec 17, 2020
I don't believe the Thorn had set back, only TLW had set back , and I ended up buying TLW out of the kiosk , I couldn't do the last part , tried 61 times finally gave up , I did get Thorn though !
Yep , Igneous Hammer is the Trials gun and I've been cross mapped by it many times , it is what it is .
I think you are right about Thorn...I think I just realized it was going to take me weeks of RL playtime and I just refused. But I'm not kidding. TLW was like 70-75% done and after a week of CBMM (and that meant it was literally me and 5 randoms versus a 6-team with full ToO armor or all using Messenger / Not Forgotten / all those crucible pinnacles that weren't Mountaintop) I was down to 1-5%.... that was the last time I bothered to even speak to Shaxx. It's like they feel like they have to keep listening to the Mtasheds of the world that complain they have to wait 25 seconds for a match. When you have PvP bounties and exotic quests for an entire year (and since I wanted Lumina / TLW / Thorn, it meant I had to do PvP) that require getting kills or wins in PvP, you need to have some modicum of SBMM.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I think you are right about Thorn...I think I just realized it was going to take me weeks of RL playtime and I just refused. But I'm not kidding. TLW was like 70-75% done and after a week of CBMM (and that meant it was literally me and 5 randoms versus a 6-team with full ToO armor or all using Messenger / Not Forgotten / all those crucible pinnacles that weren't Mountaintop) I was down to 1-5%.... that was the last time I bothered to even speak to Shaxx. It's like they feel like they have to keep listening to the Mtasheds of the world that complain they have to wait 25 seconds for a match. When you have PvP bounties and exotic quests for an entire year (and since I wanted Lumina / TLW / Thorn, it meant I had to do PvP) that require getting kills or wins in PvP, you need to have some modicum of SBMM.
I can tell you I prefer SBMM I always did way better in the Crucible with it , without it , I get my ass handed to me every time !
Dec 17, 2020
I can tell you I prefer SBMM I always did way better in the Crucible with it , without it , I get my ass handed to me every time !
yeah, I think most people did prefer the SBMM. The only people that seemed genuinely happy were the streamers because now they don't have to worry about being evenly matched as they swing around a crucible map like they Gorilla Grodd with a shotgun.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
yeah, I think most people did prefer the SBMM. The only people that seemed genuinely happy were the streamers because now they don't have to worry about being evenly matched as they swing around a crucible map like they Gorilla Grodd with a shotgun.

Which is why they hate stasis because it closes the skill gap on the apes.