Your thoughts on the current state of the Crucible. (keep it civil please)


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Just wondering what your thoughts are on the Crucible.

please keep all comments civil.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
IB has been horrible I used to love it when IB came around now I'll hardly play it . You can't blame all the problems on Stasis either , the biggest problem I found is that everyone is at a higher power then me , I get knocked down 13 and everyone is 1250 and up and I'm 1235 I get slaughtered every time they need to have some kind of matchmaking where you get match with even power , would that be SBMM ??


New member
Dec 27, 2020
I agree with Viper on Stasis. I believe it should be banned in IB and Trials. Its just annoying that the frozen lasts so long and does so much damage.

But, overall, i do like the current state of Crucible. Even though i rarely play it lol


Dec 18, 2020
In a word - frustrating.

Played several hours of IB last night to finish that Slay the Dragons quest for Saladin and holy s***. As soon as I popped a Super, it was frozen by grenades and Felwintered.

Stasis aside, the matchmaking and team balancing has been uneven. Fewer mercies compared to the last IB, but I was sub 1.0 KD all night. Probably due to the fact that i was trying to snipe to finish that PvP Adored wrap quest and everyone else is running a Felwinter's. Even then, after 4 losses in a row, it should have dropped me down into the kiddie pool, but nah. All Unbroken and Flawless players... wtf?!?!

I did find a sweet True Prophecy in the vault though and feels great! They need to add Stasis to Elemental Capacitor though.

Also, Saladin needs to read the room. After 6 losses in a row, his closing comments shouldn't be "WELL, YOU CAN'T WIN THEM ALL."..... REALLY?!?!?!? Senile mofo!


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Played many IB games last night with the clan. Won most of them. But then we hit a wall. It was like those with PS5s and Unbroken were let out from school or something. It got brutal.

Matchmaking has always been off. It's been rare that the scores are close. I've seen too many mercies.

I don't know how to feel about stasis. I like running it. But it feels off. I get frozen and I die. I freeze someone else and they break free and kill me. I don't understand that.
Dec 17, 2020
The little time I've spent in Crucible has made me not want to do Crucible again for a long time. I think that speaks for itself. I don't think it's fun at all. It was like when they removed SBMM in Season of Arrivals and I went from 75-80% done with the TLW quest to less than 1% in an hour because I was routinely matched against full teams of people in full trials gear Noobstomping. I stopped playing PvP entirely, minus Gambit.
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Dec 17, 2020
IB has been horrible I used to love it when IB came around now I'll hardly play it . You can't blame all the problems on Stasis either , the biggest problem I found is that everyone is at a higher power then me , I get knocked down 13 and everyone is 1250 and up and I'm 1235 I get slaughtered every time they need to have some kind of matchmaking where you get match with even power , would that be SBMM ??
The Moment they got rid of SBMM and went to CBMM and my ability to feel like I was somewhat OK at PvP to just hating it because I would routinely start going 1K/12D or some such level, I felt like it was a Monkey's Paw. "Be careful what you wish for..."

Sure enough about 4 days later Aztecross is saying that they needed SBMM because it was unfair to lower-tier players and that they couldn't do any bounties or quests anymore and half of his videos chat was a bunch of high tier players laughing about how easily they were slaughtering noobs and saying they should "git gud scrubs".

It's moves like that that make me think that Bungie needs to stop listening to the Hard Core players and the most vocal members on twitter.
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Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
It's moves like that that make me think that Bungie needs to stop listening to the Hard Core players and the most vocal members on twitter.
I agree and I disagree. When Bungie listened to the general public, we got D2. Bland Friend game Destiny.

I feel the hardcore players know what is good for the game. But Bungie needs to find that balance. It's very hard to do. I don't envy them.

I consistently get between 0 and 20 kills per game. Just depends on who I'm against. I played a control match the other day. I was second highest in kills, but we lost because my team didn't know how to keep a control point. But the other team was bad.


Dec 18, 2020
I agree and I disagree. When Bungie listened to the general public, we got D2. Bland Friend game Destiny.

I feel the hardcore players know what is good for the game. But Bungie needs to find that balance. It's very hard to do. I don't envy them.
Vanilla D2 PvP was the most balanced PvP Destiny has ever seen. People forget that by Y3 of D1, people were mad at the grenade and ability spam. Does that sound familiar?

Hardcore Players know what is good for the hardcore players, not the game as a whole. Bungie has the data, they do the analytics. If they could hit that balance, then PvP population would be high enough that SBMM mixed with CBMM wouldn't be such an issue, since there would be a larger player pool with mixed skill. Turn it off, 6 stacks pubstomp, casuals leave. Enough casuals leave that pubstompers end up playing sweats because they are the only players left.

Imagine if we had Y1 Thorn exotic quest from D1 in this environment? Only the hardcore would have it. It is why i despite Trials. It is pure gatekeeping of content - designed for hardcore and streamers lol. That is a different soapbox.
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Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Vanilla D2 PvP was the most balanced PvP Destiny has ever seen. People forget that by Y3 of D1, people were mad at the grenade and ability spam. Does that sound familiar?

Everyone was complaining that MIDA was OP and it was a team shot meta. It's now a team shot meta again. And now hand cannons can out distance scouts and pulse rifles.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I don't know what the answer is to fix PVP but right now it's barely playable unless your a marksman and very very fast (in other words you don't miss a shot) this is not me and there's the age factor I'm old and slow , I do like PVP , IB used to be my favorite now I can't play it anymore , freelance didn't help whatsoever I think it made it worse .
But Bungie needs to find that balance. It's very hard to do. I don't envy them.
I agree with this 100% , and on the other hand your never going to make everyone happy !


New member
Jan 11, 2021
Overall, Crucible isn't bad. For me, Stasis can make it unbearable though. There's no skill involved with using stasis. And for those that still use Jotunn, that weapon should be banned in pvp too. I've had fun. Just wish the IB weapons were much much better than they are now.