Going to do something crazy


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Well I got a little bored the other night and I decided to do something I said I wasn't going to do and start working on the final step of the catalyst quest for the crappy season sidearm ! I already ran one Control match and got 16 kills ! 50 here we come ! I musta bumped my head or something !!


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I took 4 Control matches to get it done , which I'm kinda surprised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and it's not as bad of a gun as I previously thought , now I just gotta do the kills , 1run through Skywatch and I'm at 28 %


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Say what?!!?!?! You did crucible?!?!?!?! You lived?!?!?
It wasn't the fact that I had to do Crucible , it was the fact that I had to use a sidearm ! I do like the Crucible tomorrow is IB I will be there and once Crossplay comes into effect maybe just maybe I can convince a certain person to do some Trials with me (I'm not that great a Crucible player ) :rolleyes: not so much to get flawless, but to get some of that good loot ! Can you say Igneous Hammer !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
It wasn't the fact that I had to do Crucible , it was the fact that I had to use a sidearm ! I do like the Crucible tomorrow is IB I will be there and once Crossplay comes into effect maybe just maybe I can convince a certain person to do some Trials with me (I'm not that great a Crucible player ) :rolleyes: not so much to get flawless, but to get some of that good loot ! Can you say Igneous Hammer !

Sidearms are amazing...

I haver 5,712 kills on my Lonesome and 3,082 kills on my Keening. (all crucible kills). And my Keening isn't a fantastic roll. I've probably sharded a few hundred god rolls. My Keening has Threat Detector and Vorpal. I find it fun to kill a super with a sidearm. My Lonesome isn't a fantastic roll either, but they both work for me. I've won a 1 v 4 in survival with it.

I'm not great in the Crucible. There are young whipersnappers that can out play me. If it comes down to up close and personal, I'm in trouble. That is my weakness. which is why the sidearm comes in handy. I back up as the sliding shotgun apes come at me and they are puzzled as to how I took them out.
Dec 17, 2020
There is a TDT video, today, on a build that uses a Hunter with Cryo and Mark of Akris to basically blink-warp around the map using a High RoF shotgun like The Deicide. basically you get a kill, use the Cryo sidearm to get a freeze, and use that to flit around getting shotgun fast kills to fuel your catalyst-equipped sidearm. It looks nasty.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
. If it comes down to up close and personal, I'm in trouble
Yeah me too ! That's why I try to get them from far away and usually that's when one of their teamamates get me cause I'm concentrating on who I'm aimming at not what's going on around me and these kids kick my butt !
Dec 17, 2020
Sidearms are amazing...

I haver 5,712 kills on my Lonesome and 3,082 kills on my Keening. (all crucible kills). And my Keening isn't a fantastic roll. I've probably sharded a few hundred god rolls. My Keening has Threat Detector and Vorpal. I find it fun to kill a super with a sidearm. My Lonesome isn't a fantastic roll either, but they both work for me. I've won a 1 v 4 in survival with it.

I'm not great in the Crucible. There are young whipersnappers that can out play me. If it comes down to up close and personal, I'm in trouble. That is my weakness. which is why the sidearm comes in handy. I back up as the sliding shotgun apes come at me and they are puzzled as to how I took them out.
Sidearms can really mess up a shotgun Ape...because they all either use a / their Traveler's Chose quest-reward "Mindbender's Ambition", "Felwinter's Lie" or "Riiswalker". If you are remotely good at aiming while backpedaling, they die, especially with a Suros (Full-Auto Machine Pistol) sidearm or the Omolon (3 Shot Burst) sidearms, especially if they Tap the Trigger or Zen Moment as perks. Simply because with the Suros ones you can backpedal and center-mass drop them in no time and it's very easy to get 2/3 shots from the Omolon's burst into the dome (if one could roll with Accurized/ AP Rounds, Zen Moment AND Headseeker....oh boy) and either make them back off or drop them about the time they get into killing range.

I like ones like Lonesome, Buzzard (again Bungie...WHY did you sunset ALL the Shadowkeep / Dawn (Saint-14 era) weapons?), etc. for PvE as a good backup for a FR or shotgun when I feel like doing a beat-your-face-in Titan build with Wormgod's Caress/Synthoceps/Feedback Fences, which usually means an exotic sword or Tractor Cannon as my exotic if I'm not using Duality...until they give me Invective back.

Each weapon has an area is should be in...and honestly, aside from sidearms, which aside from Trespasser I think were only single shot in D1...D1 had them all right at the end during Age of Triumph....why they didn't just wholesale-copy those standards for everything for importing into D2 I will never understand. Sure, there would be outliers, like High Impact FRs, and the new types of weapons like SMGs and Linear Fusion Rifles to consider, but it's not like that would have been very hard to keep all the others the same until you figured out where those weapons came into the picture.
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Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I do like the Omolon sidearms they are my favorite as far that goes , the IB Suros sidearm is pretty decent also , I really only use sidearms to do Gunsmith bounties otherwise not so much.
I do believe they are bringing back the Saint-14 weapons , it may even be next season there were some good guns ! I still want Randy's Throwing Knife and Recluse to come back , but I don't wan to have to do a quest again for them they were both major grinds , but well worth it .
Dec 17, 2020
I do like the Omolon sidearms they are my favorite as far that goes , the IB Suros sidearm is pretty decent also , I really only use sidearms to do Gunsmith bounties otherwise not so much.
I do believe they are bringing back the Saint-14 weapons , it may even be next season there were some good guns ! I still want Randy's Throwing Knife and Recluse to come back , but I don't wan to have to do a quest again for them they were both major grinds , but well worth it .
I understand why they sunset Recluse and Mountaintop and Wendigo...all of those Y2 Pinnacle weapons were basically Legendaries with REALLY good exotic perks. What they should have done (again, this should have been so easy, like going into a database and swapping a property) is said: For a year, these are legendary, but then they become exotics from then on, for everyone. It rewards people who could get them done fast, while still letting others chase them down...and if Mountaintop was an exotic, or Beloved, or Recluse...all of the game-breaking kind of goes away; it's an exotic, it should have some extra utility. But all the SHadowkeep year Ritual weapons weren't really like that. Buzzard was a sidearm that had Osmosis and Outlaw, so it was designed to be a primary that could use elemental damage and had blistering reload speed so you could keep it out to use as an elemental weapon. Python, Randy's...they weren't game breaking. Felwinter's is borderline, because it SHOULD be exotic...it really should be with Shot Package, but fine, I guess. Point of the Stag is just an amazing weapon that I WILL get from the kiosk one day. I just understand sunsetting because of how hard it was to design fair encounters with Recluse and Mountaintop in the game. I think sunsetting armor was utterly stupid, no matter how you slice it.
Dec 17, 2020
Felwinter's is NOT borderline. This is this weekend Trials report. It has twice as many kills than any other weapon. Felwinter's always tops the Trials report. It is BROKEN.

View attachment 14
Oh, I totally agree...it is. I also miss my Quickdraw on it, which clearly did nothing, but let's neuter a gun in PvE because of PvP >.>. It should be an exotic. No arguments there.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Oh, I totally agree...it is. I also miss my Quickdraw on it, which clearly did nothing, but let's neuter a gun in PvE because of PvP >.>. It should be an exotic. No arguments there.
What I don't like is the inconsistency. I tried to use Felwinter's in a crucible match. I went against an opponent. I shot FL at him and I know I was right on him. I missed, he shot me dead. It wasn't latency.
Dec 17, 2020
What I don't like is the inconsistency. I tried to use Felwinter's in a crucible match. I went against an opponent. I shot FL at him and I know I was right on him. I missed, he shot me dead. It wasn't latency.
I have always found shotguns are a game of chicken...if you tend to blink (shoot first) you lose. Hence why I like Duality....I'm an ADS guy....so Duality (Chaperone when I finally complete the new quest), FI/LO are my babies....I don't mind going for a crit with the bullet magnetism they have...I'll kill you 2m before you even feel comfortable with your Felwinter's.

However, I also gave up on Crucible months ago because CBMM means I get matched against people who like it sweaty...which I am not. XD


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
However, I also gave up on Crucible months ago because CBMM means I get matched against people who like it sweaty...which I am not. XD

I find the sweaties a learning experience. I'm 53 going on 54. I have arthritis in my thumbs. I'm not nimble, nor as fast as I used to be. So I'm handicapped there. I'm also not the greatest strategist. So, I just play the best I can. I get frustrated. Especially when I think I was screwed. But it is what it is. I am finding I'm enjoying the game more because I've taken the attitude of DILLIGAF...
Dec 17, 2020
I find the sweaties a learning experience. I'm 53 going on 54. I have arthritis in my thumbs. I'm not nimble, nor as fast as I used to be. So I'm handicapped there. I'm also not the greatest strategist. So, I just play the best I can. I get frustrated. Especially when I think I was screwed. But it is what it is. I am finding I'm enjoying the game more because I've taken the attitude of DILLIGAF...
Oh I know...my 38 year old butt just wants to feel like I'm not a liability to my entire team. I miss SBMM...the top-tier players can complain (then again, most of them like having their Baken cheat suites up sometimes), but I would prefer waiting longer for a more evenly matched game. You know...as compared to how it is now where I'm either the liability to a 5 man team of Stompers....or I'm the one of the 6 blueberries getting stomped into fine wine...