Raid Exotics


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
After 21 Deep Stone Crypt completions. At least 21 boss kills, I finally got the Eyes of Tomorrow. During my run, I've seen people get it two or three times. One guy who we took on his very first run of the raid got it. *grumble*


Haven't used it yet.

Now on to Vex Mythoclast... I've done 16 completions (boss kills) and still haven't gotten it. Two people who I raid with got it in their first three runs. Others in my group are still chasing it as well.



Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Congrats ! I finally just got a Hung Jury after doing the Adept Nightfall about 50 times ! :rolleyes:


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Congrats ! I finally just got a Hung Jury after doing the Adept Nightfall about 50 times ! :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, the drop rate for the lower tier NF's is low. Just like the legend Lost Sector. It's a higher payout for the higher tiered content. But you need friends to run it with.

What was your rolls on your HJ?
Dec 17, 2020
I need to do 3 NFs for that annoying second Aspect quest (seriously Darkness subclass you need to streamline the Aspect / Fragment process...these are insane time sinks). But I'm stoked you got a Hung Jury...part of me wants to get a Plug One because I have a feeling that next season we will see FRs get the love Grenade Launchers got this season with Artifact Mods.
Dec 17, 2020
Unfortunately, the drop rate for the lower tier NF's is low. Just like the legend Lost Sector. It's a higher payout for the higher tiered content. But you need friends to run it with.

What was your rolls on your HJ?
I'm hoping they will up the drop rate next season from the Lost Sectors at lower light levels...I just can't crack 1270 Light level, these exotics are nice and getting them is hard for me. XD Also, the fact that they lock your loadout and the fact that a champion can just one-shot me. XD


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I'm hoping they will up the drop rate next season from the Lost Sectors at lower light levels...I just can't crack 1270 Light level, these exotics are nice and getting them is hard for me. XD Also, the fact that they lock your loadout and the fact that a champion can just one-shot me. XD

I'm torn about about the Legend and Master Lost Sectors.

I've only done a couple, got Mask of Bakris after running the Legend Lost sector about 20 times. I just got the new Hunter boots on my first Legend Lost Sector and I was out. It's in my loot pool now. But yes, they're difficult. Even at level. I won't try master. I'm not that good. I struggle with Legend. Getting the right load out and armor set up is not my forte. So placing exotics behind that is kid of cheesy. But I am also like, well I used to get new exotics in the wild and was underwhelmed when it happened. At least completing a Legend LS and getting an exotic makes me think about how I earned them. But having to run it 20 times to get it makes it stupid. Just like the raid exotic drop rates. If someone can get the new exotic to drop on their third run and I'm on run 19 and still don't have it. But this has been an issue in Destiny since day 1.
Dec 17, 2020
I'm torn about about the Legend and Master Lost Sectors.

I've only done a couple, got Mask of Bakris after running the Legend Lost sector about 20 times. I just got the new Hunter boots on my first Legend Lost Sector and I was out. It's in my loot pool now. But yes, they're difficult. Even at level. I won't try master. I'm not that good. I struggle with Legend. Getting the right load out and armor set up is not my forte. So placing exotics behind that is kid of cheesy. But I am also like, well I used to get new exotics in the wild and was underwhelmed when it happened. At least completing a Legend LS and getting an exotic makes me think about how I earned them. But having to run it 20 times to get it makes it stupid. Just like the raid exotic drop rates. If someone can get the new exotic to drop on their third run and I'm on run 19 and still don't have it. But this has been an issue in Destiny since day 1.
I keep seeing Concealed Void with Arc Burn and's basically saying: Have Anarchy. Which is fine....I guess. I'm honestly just tired of feeling like they try to force people to do the most difficult content for things. Yeah, I can do the 1310 lost sectors, but the drop rate is low and it's just something that takes too much time for the drop rate. Also, some of this armor is 9 months's time to up the drop rate. If you want to make the legs harder to get right now...OK. But the Chest / Arms / Heads have been out for a while and it's time you make them easier to get...the hardcore players have had their time to feel superior. It's OK now. Like I've said in the past, MMOs in the 2000s got the concept of "after a while, it's time to let everyone get armor / weapons". Yeah, it bummed me out in FFXI when they made Burtgang easier for every paladin to get....but it also made it so sometimes I didn't have to play Paladin during a Hard Notorious Monster like Odin or I was OK with it.

At this point, Bakris / Necrotic Grips...that generation should be a common drop from like a 1290 or 1300 Lost sector: they've been out for 7's time for catch up mechanics to hit them too. Next season that should also include the chest armors, and a heavy deescalation in the leg armors...that's just the way it is.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
At this point, Bakris / Necrotic Grips...that generation should be a common drop from like a 1290 or 1300 Lost sector: they've been out for 7's time for catch up mechanics to hit them too. Next season that should also include the chest armors, and a heavy deescalation in the leg armors...that's just the way it is.

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Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Getting the right load out and armor set up is not my forte.
Mine either , I just put on what looks good and hope for the best after I add mods ! I'm not gonna try to solo any of those high level lost sectors , they can stick that stuff where the sun don't shine , if they want to make it that hard to get they can keep it !!!!!! I'm still only 1328 !! and I play just about every day !
Dec 17, 2020
Mine either , I just put on what looks good and hope for the best after I add mods ! I'm not gonna try to solo any of those high level lost sectors , they can stick that stuff where the sun don't shine , if they want to make it that hard to get they can keep it !!!!!! I'm still only 1328 !! and I play just about every day !
Aztecross did a 1340 LL Lost Sector on Titan maybe a month ago for the legs (he already had a darn near perfect set, he did it to see how hard the 1340 version was)...and it took him 2 hours and like 15 attempts to do it once. He then proceeded to say that it was harder than doing a Grandmaster Nightfall. And then said that that meant that only a Shadebinder using his lockdown build (Eye of Another World + the Turret Aspect and Whisper of Chains) could do it effectively.

Then Datto tried to prove him wrong...and pretty much spent the stream agreeing with him.
Dec 17, 2020
Iron Banana
CBMM Iron Banner..... *shudder*. You have a point...I just don't want to do it. I hope they bring back season pass armor. At some point you have to look at the HC crowd and say: We gave you GM Nightfalls....sit down and be quiet....this is for the other people too.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
CBMM Iron Banner..... *shudder*. You have a point...I just don't want to do it. I hope they bring back season pass armor. At some point you have to look at the HC crowd and say: We gave you GM Nightfalls....sit down and be quiet....this is for the other people too.

Just do it and quite your whining 🤣

It's not so bad. Yes, you might get pub stomped and then another game you'll pub stomp. At least that's what happens with me. But you get higher level gear even if you lose.
Dec 17, 2020
Just do it and quite your whining 🤣

It's not so bad. Yes, you might get pub stomped and then another game you'll pub stomp. At least that's what happens with me. But you get higher level gear even if you lose.
True. I just think I have Iron Banner-Related Stress Disorder. Regardless, getting the armor would help XD


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
True. I just think I have Iron Banner-Related Stress Disorder. Regardless, getting the armor would help XD
Just go in to have fun. If you die you die, if you die to stupid latency issues, blame Bungie and move on. It's only a game. Enjoy it. That how I do it. Just remember DILLIGAF...


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
You have to go into the Crucible knowing your gonna die , sometime your gonna die alot sometime not alot , but your still gonna die , sometime you'll get stomped sometime you won't , even though it can be a bummer get beat on all the time just know that your not the only one there are tons (myself included) that get stomped on every time they play, I do it for the loot and also I find I do much better in the morning in the Crucible then at night , could be me but it is what it is ! Just play have fun and do it for the puppies , no , I mean the loot !!


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Agreed, there are times that it's better to be in the crucible. That's when the 13 yo are at school. LOL... 2am on a Friday is not a good time. You have the sweaty teams playing their all nighters.
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Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
You are better than me my friend as I'm only 1320 (which is the hardcap). ;)
Really your only 1320 and you've done raids and comp and trials, Wow , I do play alot !! My base is 1311 and with the artifact I get to 1328. I may need an intervention !! Season 15 is fast approaching I'm looking forward to crossplay coming and Trials Matchmaking (of some sort) and so on .