Subclass Tweaking / Slide Nerf Thoughts?

Dec 17, 2020
So based on the TWAB Titan is about to get a lot of love, as are a ton of subclasses (minus Shadebinder; Bungie...if you keep hammering Shadebinder it can't do the Crowd Control role that it clearly was designed for...leave it alone). This Titan is personally so happy that someone in the Sandbox team noticed that now a Cryoclasm Slide can't even kill a red-bar Frozen Dreg or Thrall in PvE, as well as the fact that now even red bar Dregs can easily dodge a Shiver Strike, that he's going to Mic Drop and Dance next Tuesday.

However, I'm seeing a lot of backlash about the "Slide Nerf", and after spending almost 3 years being Slide-Shotgun Aped in Crucible, I have to ask: why is everyone so upset? I mean, are that many people upset that now they can't effortlessly slide under someone with their favorite high-powered shotgun for an easy kill? I'm a Titan, meaning I love my Anteaus Wards for Troll-erskating, but even I'm tired of seeing half of the "skilled" players in this game in Gambit (or on Trials streams) relying on a sliding Felwinter's Cane kill. Also, it makes sense physically that the act of sliding on the ground would impede things like pellet spread, open you up to flinch, and mess up you ability to accurately aim; it's called the "jerk" function for a reason after all (all of us physics / engineer nerds will rejoice at my third-order derivative joke there on the rate of change of acceleration). Also, this will probably give the lower power shotguns even more help: I'm betting my Slideshot Seventh Seraph Shotgun will be pretty awesome since I have a feeling that the larger pellet spread will lead to less issues during a slide after an initial firefight volley. And I'm also excited about thinking how this can be beneficial for Fusion Rifles, since most everyone starts them charging towards the tail end of a slide...meaning all those penalties should start to vanish right about the time you are beginning to ADS for the mid-range kill shot. What are everyone else's thoughts?


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
They're upset because that's all they know how to do. Slide/shotty. They get a ton of kills that way. Now they may have to learn some new skill. They may not be top of the heap for a few days while they're find some other way. Let them whine. It pairs well with their cheese.

The Behemoth did need a little more love. It was the weakest melee in the game.

I for one am stoked about the fine tunings.

#1 is this

I'm so happy. I've seen top tree dawn blade dash across the map faster than anything. (And people complain about the hunter dodge). This is what I've been wanting. A small cooldown between each dash.



Arcstrider needed something. I've chased Guardians and never got a kill. Not fair.

I didn't read all the changes. But the ones I did I'm happy about. TTD has been Bungie's bread and butter for far too long. It is the easy button. It needed a little toning down.
Dec 17, 2020
They're upset because that's all they know how to do. Slide/shotty. They get a ton of kills that way. Now they may have to learn some new skill. They may not be top of the heap for a few days while they're find some other way. Let them whine. It pairs well with their cheese.

The Behemoth did need a little more love. It was the weakest melee in the game.

I for one am stoked about the fine tunings.

#1 is this
View attachment 23

I'm so happy. I've seen top tree dawn blade dash across the map faster than anything. (And people complain about the hunter dodge). This is what I've been wanting. A small cooldown between each dash.


View attachment 24

Arcstrider needed something. I've chased Guardians and never got a kill. Not fair.

I didn't read all the changes. But the ones I did I'm happy about. TTD has been Bungie's bread and butter for far too long. It is the easy button. It needed a little toning down.
Oh I would never complain about the Icarus Dash / Arc Staff issue. Also, even though it makes Well / Bubble botting harder, the Resilience change makes that more of something you have to specialize for. Yeah, you have to focus on using Int and Resilience in PvE (I think people may not realize how much this will help them in GMs, or how little this may actually hurt them if they have really decent stat distributions on all the old Season Pass sets did). It means that you can't have High Disciple and Strength and limits your mobility stat. However, Resilience is not the same thing it is in WoW (where it directly lowers PvP damage only)...I usually run my Titan in a CQC set up with higher resilience and strength. It makes it ALOT easier to deal with hordes of Thrall or Dregs, letting you tank hits more and I'm pretty sure always helped with Barricade anyways. Now I'm just rewarded for it with a strong Ward of Dawn.
Dec 17, 2020
They're upset because that's all they know how to do. Slide/shotty. They get a ton of kills that way. Now they may have to learn some new skill. They may not be top of the heap for a few days while they're find some other way. Let them whine. It pairs well with their cheese.

The Behemoth did need a little more love. It was the weakest melee in the game.

I for one am stoked about the fine tunings.

#1 is this
View attachment 23

I'm so happy. I've seen top tree dawn blade dash across the map faster than anything. (And people complain about the hunter dodge). This is what I've been wanting. A small cooldown between each dash.


View attachment 24

Arcstrider needed something. I've chased Guardians and never got a kill. Not fair.

I didn't read all the changes. But the ones I did I'm happy about. TTD has been Bungie's bread and butter for far too long. It is the easy button. It needed a little toning down.
I was also thinking about my favorite Y1 tactic, back before they moved Shottys, Snipers and FRs to the "Special Ammo" slot or Kinetic versions: Slide-->Rally Barricade in Crucible. I mean, that was a fantastic tactic in Year 1, especially on Control, the slide with unaimed fire to suppress your targets long enough for you to throw a rally barricade for your team to gather on for a firefight. Now...with the Anteaus rebound to rely on or maybe using Citan's to have a Towering Barricade you can shoot thru...can you imagine how much that little change will (a) discourage Apeing and (b) allow for more useful slides. Slide-Shotty is's a crutch. And you combined it with that spammed Air Dash or a Hunter Dodges and suddenly you had one class that was at a major disadvantage in such a movement-focused game. Titan has the Wards and the Lion Rampant....but it's not built for movement....the focus on ending "Titan Skating" and the ability to Shoulder Charge all the time (I'm STILL salty about losing that from D1 when no other class lost something as useful as that; I got why I had to lose it, but you took away a great tool for a PvE-based class and never gave it something exclusive back in return) took that away. Now with Dash having been adjusted (4 seconds seems a little too punishing...I think 2-3 is the sweet makes them come back down to earth) and Slide being reigned in, maybe it can equalize it a little more.