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  1. michael6745

    Expunge mission

  2. michael6745

    Expunge mission

    I can handle it. At least try it and then give up. At least you can say you tried. If you don't even try I'll razz you about it forever...
  3. michael6745

    Expunge mission

    Just take your time, there is no timer. There are a few places that are confusing. But overall it's an easy puzzle.
  4. michael6745

    Expunge mission

    I completed the second Expunge Mission: Styx last night. You need to complete them to get the story line moving. Well worth it. @vipertec I know you don't like jumping puzzles. These are not hard puzzles. The new one is actually easier than the first. Once you figure a couple of things out.
  5. michael6745

    Expunge mission

    Truly, it wasn't hard. It was just new. The jumping part was easy really.
  6. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I finally got 1K Voices after about 18 runs and it went into the vault. I may have used it once just to try it out. I still haven't gotten Eyes of Tomorrow. I ran that raid with the same people like 10-15 times. One guy got eyes every single time. The same thing happened with 1K Voices...
  7. michael6745

    Crossplay Beta

    This was the first thing I did last night. Completed it. I know my two fireteam members were not PS as I could not view their profiles. I just don't know if they were Xbox or PC. I had no issues with lag or anything. All seemed good.
  8. michael6745

    Expunge mission

    I complete my first Expunge mission last night. It's part of the new content when you get to a certain point with the Override quests. @vipertec will not like it. It's a jumping puzzle. LOL. It was interesting and challenging mostly because I didn't know what I was supposed to do half the...
  9. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    BTW, I miss this type of daily Destiny banter that we used to have here. *sigh*
  10. michael6745

    Crossplay Beta

    You can't. You need to be PL 4000 and have all the exotics for all three classes and have a PvE K/D of 5,000,000 before matchmaking will match you.
  11. michael6745

    Iron Banner Week of 5/18/21

    I completed the IB quest. I got a head piece that was 3 light levels lower than my level. I was like, seriously? I just went through all this and you give me garbage.
  12. michael6745

    Crossplay Beta

    I'm sure the matchmaking will find someone to pair you up with. LOL... ;)
  13. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    It's not a rant. It's actually reality. The streamers are upset because stasis has closed the skill gap in crucible so the aping shot gunners can't ape anymore and they're crying. I had an aping shot gunner leave a match last night because he was getting his arse handed to him. I laughed...
  14. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I don't do LFG so I didn't know about the exclusions people are putting on the raids. Which is kind of ridiculous. I guess I'm just used to running with my Clan. It doesn't matter what we run. My only complaint is that I have to run a raid many times to learn it. Because my clan just races...
  15. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I can't Titan or Warlock... But I can Hunter. And I do believe the Silence and Squall can be very week. But only when I use it. I see others just walk out of my super, while I and 100000000 meters away and still get frozen and die. Also, I've seen my squall just meander off to nowhere, while...
  16. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    The funny thing is, the hard core folks will run through this content in seconds, then never do it again. I just don't do it at all. It's no longer fun to me. I want to have fun, not be frustrated. So, I've taken the stance of, if I don't get it, so be it. I just don't care anymore. I mean...
  17. michael6745

    Iron Banner Week of 5/18/21

    I switched to Telesto because I needed void kills. OMG. I'm in love..
  18. michael6745

    Crossplay Beta

    This is going to be interesting.
  19. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I completed the steps to get the catalyst. It is just a bad weapon. I was miserable trying to complete it. The catalyst doesn't say it, but I believe you have to get complete it in the crucible. I tried to use it in a lost sector and there was no progression on the catalyst. #FML. I may...
  20. michael6745

    My Null Composure Guide

    The corrupted strike was miserable for this. But not as bad as the one I believe for TLW. Which everone had the modified Savvathuun's song. That was a royal pain in the hiney... I like Malfeasance. Now that the 120s aren't as prevelent and the 140/180s are doing better I've actually seen...