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  1. vipertec

    Season Ending Thoughts

    The new seasonal fusion rifle is better IMO it has a little more range . Your going to need help with the strike part after you kill the 25 Taken bosses it's a bitch, then you have to kill 10 invaders within the first 10 secs of the invasion , the you'll get Malfeasance !!
  2. vipertec

    Season Ending Thoughts

    I think the main reason they did it is because of the crybabies , I don't see why the rest of us have to suffer just because some think it's "too easy" to get armor exotics , now you have to really grind away to get you power level up to do the lost sector , solo mind you then maybe , just maybe...
  3. vipertec

    Season Ending Thoughts

    Once again all the new exotic armor is in legedary or master lost sectors WTF ! By the time I get my power level high enough to attempt it , it'll be time for the witch queen , it's just BS !!
  4. vipertec

    Season Ending Thoughts

    Can't wait could have used it in The Harbinger mission , I ran out of primary ammo so many times during the final boss battle it was aggravating ! It was a good season hopefully The Season of the Lost is just as good we'll have to wait and see !!As far as the Anarchy nerf goes I don't have and...
  5. vipertec

    Updates on Destiny 2

    I have a great idea , get rid of Gambit altogether !
  6. vipertec

    Hi Michael , how are you ? Season 15 is fast approaching and crossplay is coming , once...

    Hi Michael , how are you ? Season 15 is fast approaching and crossplay is coming , once available if it's ok by you I'd like to get together and wreak some havoc upon the game !
  7. vipertec

    Updates on Destiny 2

    I really don't like it either , I do play it from time to time but all it does is aggravate me and remind me of how much I don't like it !!
  8. vipertec

    New Emblem Hunt

    I pop the D1 disc in every now and again so I can use my beloved Icebreaker for a little while , I so used to D2 now that I don't miss D1 as much as I used to !
  9. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    No , it was the final boss in the last room , there are 2 Arc shielded Cabal and they can take all the damage you can dish out , they are there instead of the Taken captain or Archon or whatever it is .Look on the Bungie forums we aren't the only ones that had this problem!!
  10. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    Then after you do all that there's a bunch of bullet sponges and a jumping puzzle . Then after you get the static roll useless one , you have to go back in and there's more jumping puzzles , you face a bunch of super bullet sponges , then if your lucky and get to the final boss and it's not...
  11. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    You found Osiris on the moon correct ? I still haven't done that with one of my characters (just because I have the static roll Hawkmoon) I'll do it and see if I can get the quest on the Tangled Shore from the Crow
  12. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    And here I thought you liked shooting at bullet sponges ! :LOL:
  13. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    I got that done now I have all 3 ornaments for the Null Composure .
  14. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    I played Gambit last night for the 1st time in a while , I got the fusion rifle I was using for fusion rifle kills to get the Null Composure gambit weapon ornament, what a slap in the face !
  15. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    Now it makes more sense !! :) I knew there was no way I was a higher level then you , I don't get to raid and I've stayed out of comp since they sunset all weapons I killed myself to get . I did do some Trials (jumped the map) to get an Igneous Hammer !
  16. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    Really your only 1320 and you've done raids and comp and trials, Wow , I do play alot !! My base is 1311 and with the artifact I get to 1328. I may need an intervention !! Season 15 is fast approaching I'm looking forward to crossplay coming and Trials Matchmaking (of some sort) and so on .
  17. vipertec

    Raid Exotics

    You have to go into the Crucible knowing your gonna die , sometime your gonna die alot sometime not alot , but your still gonna die , sometime you'll get stomped sometime you won't , even though it can be a bummer get beat on all the time just know that your not the only one there are tons...
  18. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    Yep that's it !!
  19. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    I only did one of those hunts ,I didn't like it at all , bullet sponges to the max so I gave up on it after one .I did get the static roll Hawkmoon , one of these days I go after the Catalyst and a random roll one but I'm in no rush , because IMO there are better hand cannons in the game , I...
  20. vipertec

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    see above