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  1. vipertec

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    Wait................................What ?????????????????
  2. vipertec


    Cheating perhaps !! Who knows it's hard to tell anymore !
  3. vipertec

    Outriders Demo early review

    Still haven't had a chance to play anymore of it , I'll get around to it eventually .......................................maybe !
  4. vipertec

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    There's 12 man raids too , I wish I could get into that , then I could just shoot and not have to put a ball in a socket or what ever other kind of stupid mechanics there are !
  5. vipertec

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    Me too , can't wait
  6. vipertec

    Outriders Demo early review

    I have to play a little more to give it a fair shot !
  7. vipertec

    Outriders Demo early review

    Let me start this review by saying the graphics in Outriders are amazing , I play on Xbox One with a 1080p tv , that being said ..................... Keep in mind I've pretty much only play Destiny 2 and some Anthem (RIP) here and there . I found the gun play to be a little off , it was hard...
  8. vipertec

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    I'm excited I'll get to keep some weapons I thought for sure were goners !!
  9. vipertec


    I'd like to see Randy's Throwing Knife and Recluse return , but they probably won't , it would be nice though , at least I get to keep my Gnawing Hunger !!
  10. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    I have to find someone who can help me do the mission during the week , the hour I work sux !
  11. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    I'm not going to do it til I can get someone/ two to help me this way I don't get aggravated and quit !
  12. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    I got the quest but haven't tried it yet , I've heard it's best with more then 1 person
  13. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    Well , it may be , We thought 2020 was bad , 2021 said HOLD MY BEER ! On a more serious note I hope you and yours stay safe , I heard a lot of people are without power down your way . We've been lucky so far here in SW Pa. we got rain and the temp. has stayed above freezing (it actually got to...
  14. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    OK , for a minute there I thought something was wrong !
  15. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    Ok , what's going here do you lose a bet or something usually you 2 do your best to berate each other !! I'm not buying it ! nope , no how ,no way ! :LOL:
  16. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    Yes I did , still didn't get any drops above 1251 , Artifact was +16 that could be part of the problem , and now I have to do it again ! They still didn't bring that gun back !! :cautious: I do like the new activity Battlegrounds ! Right up my alley shoot , shoot and shoot some more straight up !
  17. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    To me that's not the only thing unobtainable , I tried the Hawkmoon quest with a friend who was underleveled , I was 1264 , he was 1250 something and we got as far as the "big" room where the wizards and all that crap are and we got our asses handed to us , I don't mind challenging but it...
  18. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    Good thing there's ornaments !
  19. vipertec

    So whats new ??

    Not getting one and least to my knowledge .
  20. vipertec

    Season of the Chosen

    and beside the new Trials armor all the new armor looks like crap IMO .