Hey guys. So I've been focused on trying to get Ascendancy...since the season will be 6 months long, the story hasn't really been a focus yet for me. But the story I've gotten thus far has been excellent. Let me just say: Mother Goethel from "Tangled" could really take gaslighting lessons from Savathun (hey I have a 3 year old little girl...that is probably one of the nastiest villains Disney ever created according to this dad of one....soon-to-be two...little girls). I can see thru the lies because I have real life experience dealing with wholly narcissistic gaslighting people, but she's could easily trick most people if that were real life; excellent writing Bungie. Let me say that the changes to the Stasis Fragment currency quests are very welcome. They seem tuned more to just a general Stasis design, and less punishing to one class or another than before. The inclusion of Trials of the Nine weapons into Prophecy actually has me wanting to try it again (I gave up when the game refused to give me one Ikelos Shotgun at all ever XD). I want them to actually let me use Wormgod's Caress again. Sure....let a Hunter use a totally broken exotic (Radiant Dance Machines like that....really?) as much as they want in PvP for a week, but the second a Titan can tear things asunder with a throwing hammer you have to tap the breaks. What's everyone else's take on the season thus far? I like the seasonal activities. I like the focus on the Awoken, maybe finally helping us form Alliances to take on Savathun and then finally Xivu Arath. I kinda wish they hadn't made us HAVE to head back to the HELM to upgrade our compass, but you have to go back plenty anyways so...I get it. I'm angsty about the making us do lost sectors for returning D1 exotics, because it's only going to be a grind for alot of players for 1 day and then aspirational content for everyone else.