Current Season Thoughts

Dec 17, 2020
Hey guys. So I've been focused on trying to get Ascendancy...since the season will be 6 months long, the story hasn't really been a focus yet for me. But the story I've gotten thus far has been excellent. Let me just say: Mother Goethel from "Tangled" could really take gaslighting lessons from Savathun (hey I have a 3 year old little girl...that is probably one of the nastiest villains Disney ever created according to this dad of one....soon-to-be two...little girls). I can see thru the lies because I have real life experience dealing with wholly narcissistic gaslighting people, but she's could easily trick most people if that were real life; excellent writing Bungie. Let me say that the changes to the Stasis Fragment currency quests are very welcome. They seem tuned more to just a general Stasis design, and less punishing to one class or another than before. The inclusion of Trials of the Nine weapons into Prophecy actually has me wanting to try it again (I gave up when the game refused to give me one Ikelos Shotgun at all ever XD). I want them to actually let me use Wormgod's Caress again. Sure....let a Hunter use a totally broken exotic (Radiant Dance Machines like that....really?) as much as they want in PvP for a week, but the second a Titan can tear things asunder with a throwing hammer you have to tap the breaks. What's everyone else's take on the season thus far? I like the seasonal activities. I like the focus on the Awoken, maybe finally helping us form Alliances to take on Savathun and then finally Xivu Arath. I kinda wish they hadn't made us HAVE to head back to the HELM to upgrade our compass, but you have to go back plenty anyways so...I get it. I'm angsty about the making us do lost sectors for returning D1 exotics, because it's only going to be a grind for alot of players for 1 day and then aspirational content for everyone else.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I hate the Taken , back when the Taken King came out I almost gave up playing Destiny for good , it almost happened again this time (not because of the Taken) but we won't go into that now. You haven't gotten an Ikelos shotgun yet ?? I have them dropping at every turn , I got 2 yesterday one from the Nightfall and one out of a Mayhem match .


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I hate the Taken , back when the Taken King came out I almost gave up playing Destiny for good , it almost happened again this time (not because of the Taken) but we won't go into that now. You haven't gotten an Ikelos shotgun yet ?? I have them dropping at every turn , I got 2 yesterday one from the Nightfall and one out of a Mayhem match .

I had one drop from something I did. I can't remember. I put it in my vault with the ones from last season. I need to delete stuff in my vault. Too many sunsetted weapons that I don't want to delete because I have so many memories with them.

So far I think the story is great. I like the new activity. I really haven't been playing hard this season.
Dec 17, 2020
I had one drop from something I did. I can't remember. I put it in my vault with the ones from last season. I need to delete stuff in my vault. Too many sunsetted weapons that I don't want to delete because I have so many memories with them.

So far I think the story is great. I like the new activity. I really haven't been playing hard this season.
With the season being so long I’m in no hurry to burn myself out. The Nine Weapons in the dungeon have me totally excited though. I love the look and the idea of them being back and some with stasis rolls to boot!


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I'm enjoying the season. I finally have gotten to play more than an hour a week. I was able to finally play some Crucible. So far I like this season. Everything seams balanced. The story is interesting.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I like the fact that Bungie finally made it possible for everyone to play Trials !
Dec 17, 2020
I haven't gotten to play since before Labor Day (combination of taking a new job and having to reorganize the home office for both of us to work from home, pregnancy and baby preparing, and my useless Brother-in-Law deciding no one else can have nice things and deciding to fall off the wagon...again...for like the 6th time in 2 years). But...the new exotic Trace Rifle looks amazing and Xur finally brought me some replacements for collections exotics...and Galanor to finish off the Hunter's stuff. Once I can play a bit, I plan to grind hard for Ager's Scepter and do Prophecy to get all those glorious stasis weapons.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I haven't gotten to play since before Labor Day (combination of taking a new job and having to reorganize the home office for both of us to work from home, pregnancy and baby preparing, and my useless Brother-in-Law deciding no one else can have nice things and deciding to fall off the wagon...again...for like the 6th time in 2 years). But...the new exotic Trace Rifle looks amazing and Xur finally brought me some replacements for collections exotics...and Galanor to finish off the Hunter's stuff. Once I can play a bit, I plan to grind hard for Ager's Scepter and do Prophecy to get all those glorious stasis weapons.

You can do Ager's Scepter in a weekend. I did.
Dec 17, 2020
You can do Ager's Scepter in a weekend. I did.
seeing what's required it seems easy, and honestly the idea of one of the major bad guys just being a Hive Knight that was so broken by his God (Savathun) rejecting the Darkness that he willingly sacrifices himself over and over again while fighting to Xivu Arath (Kelgorath seriously has some AWESOME lore guys) is just awesome. It's like someone at Bungie was reading the lore about Angron from Warhammer 40k and said: Xivu Arath should basically be our game's version of the Chaos God Khorne...we need her champions to be like that too. I have a feeling one of the final times in the Ascendant Plane will literally be us fighting Kelgorath in his Throne World so that we put down that rabid dog for good.