

Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
But if Revoker rewarded you for hitting, it wouldn’t be worth me trying to get. My sniper use is so deliberately low my most used one is DARCI. XD

But rewarding you for poor shots doesn't make for fun gameplay. It just made people stand in the back of the map. Booooring. Slow, no push team shooting is boring.
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Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
lIf anyone wants to run the Hawkmoon mission (harbinger) I thank it's called , my buddy and I going to be running it tonight on XBox pm, EST hit me up we'll probably need a 3rd ! Just let me know your on here , Thanks !
Dec 17, 2020
lIf anyone wants to run the Hawkmoon mission (harbinger) I thank it's called , my buddy and I going to be running it tonight on XBox pm, EST hit me up we'll probably need a 3rd ! Just let me know your on here , Thanks !
How can I unlock that mission now? I want the gun. I'll be honest, I'm not a Hawkmoon fan really, never was, but I am a completionist whenever possible.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
How can I unlock that mission now? I want the gun. I'll be honest, I'm not a Hawkmoon fan really, never was, but I am a completionist whenever possible.

I believe you need to purchase the new season in order to unlock the Presage mission.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I believe you need to purchase the new season in order to unlock the Presage mission
The Hawkmoon quest is from season of the Hunt , You have to see the Crow on the Tangled shore to get it ,that's for the static rolled one . The Harbinger quest is for the random rolled one . We couldn't get it done there were two arc shielded Fat F*@K Cabal aholes , that no matter what we threw at them it barely scratched them , and all the taken thrall and snipers we just got tired of getting no where and my friend and I are both over 1310 , two ultra bosses that are extra absorbant bullet /gernade/super/sword/rocket sponges was just more then 2 of us could deal with so after an hour of trying and dying (I had 500 kills and died 80 times, some from the jumping puzzle parts and the other encounters) we called it a night and we'll try again this Saturday night , when there's a single boss hopefully and maybe we can scratch up a 3rd person !
Dec 17, 2020
The Hawkmoon quest is from season of the Hunt , You have to see the Crow on the Tangled shore to get it ,that's for the static rolled one . The Harbinger quest is for the random rolled one . We couldn't get it done there were two arc shielded Fat F*@K Cabal aholes , that no matter what we threw at them it barely scratched them , and all the taken thrall and snipers we just got tired of getting no where and my friend and I are both over 1310 , two ultra bosses that are extra absorbant bullet /gernade/super/sword/rocket sponges was just more then 2 of us could deal with so after an hour of trying and dying (I had 500 kills and died 80 times, some from the jumping puzzle parts and the other encounters) we called it a night and we'll try again this Saturday night , when there's a single boss hopefully and maybe we can scratch up a 3rd person !
That sounds like the utter nightmare of getting Fourth Horseman solo at 40 under LL last year for me. In the end I literally just killed the 2 bullet sponge barrier champions (I'm sorry Bungie...either a champion gets an unbreakable barrier or they get regenerating HP....THEY DO NOT NOR SHOULD THEY EVER GET BOTH) and the boss, and died about 50 times doing the lost sector trying to sneak past his 2 additional champions that spawned in, to simply loot the chest for the exotic weapon...never got the catalyst because I didn't hate myself enough to ever do that again for 2 hours.
Dec 17, 2020
The Hawkmoon quest is from season of the Hunt , You have to see the Crow on the Tangled shore to get it ,that's for the static rolled one . The Harbinger quest is for the random rolled one . We couldn't get it done there were two arc shielded Fat F*@K Cabal aholes , that no matter what we threw at them it barely scratched them , and all the taken thrall and snipers we just got tired of getting no where and my friend and I are both over 1310 , two ultra bosses that are extra absorbant bullet /gernade/super/sword/rocket sponges was just more then 2 of us could deal with so after an hour of trying and dying (I had 500 kills and died 80 times, some from the jumping puzzle parts and the other encounters) we called it a night and we'll try again this Saturday night , when there's a single boss hopefully and maybe we can scratch up a 3rd person !
The fact barrier champions that regen health exist and are given Heir Apparent LMGs is just proof that Bungie needs to stop catering to Hardcore players. I mean seriously, all the hardcore players beat the season in 3 weeks then go back to CoD or some other game and wait for the next season. The rest of us that really only ever play D2 get shafted because they won't ever shut up and the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
The fact barrier champions that regen health exist and are given Heir Apparent LMGs is just proof that Bungie needs to stop catering to Hardcore players. I mean seriously, all the hardcore players beat the season in 3 weeks then go back to CoD or some other game and wait for the next season. The rest of us that really only ever play D2 get shafted because they won't ever shut up and the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.

I can understand at the higher levels the need for the Champions. I don't like them, but I see them as a necessary evil. But making standard weekly challenges requiring that you have to beat the highest level NF is just ridiculous. I was 1328 and I had it rough in the 1330 NF. They cap you at 1325 for the 1350 GM NF. Plus all the Gambit they are making me play, I am like, whatever weekly challenges. I'd rather work on my guilding of my new Unbroken title. I won't be able to finish the weekly challenges.
Dec 17, 2020
I can understand at the higher levels the need for the Champions. I don't like them, but I see them as a necessary evil. But making standard weekly challenges requiring that you have to beat the highest level NF is just ridiculous. I was 1328 and I had it rough in the 1330 NF. They cap you at 1325 for the 1350 GM NF. Plus all the Gambit they are making me play, I am like, whatever weekly challenges. I'd rather work on my guilding of my new Unbroken title. I won't be able to finish the weekly challenges.
I don't mind champions...I mind Cabal Champions. Especially the Barrier Colossi. It's already a turret that does tons of damage...it doesn't also need nearly infinite health. Other than that I feel like Champions are fair...it's just those ones.
Dec 17, 2020
I can understand at the higher levels the need for the Champions. I don't like them, but I see them as a necessary evil. But making standard weekly challenges requiring that you have to beat the highest level NF is just ridiculous. I was 1328 and I had it rough in the 1330 NF. They cap you at 1325 for the 1350 GM NF. Plus all the Gambit they are making me play, I am like, whatever weekly challenges. I'd rather work on my guilding of my new Unbroken title. I won't be able to finish the weekly challenges.
I also really miss wanting to use Devil's Ruin. I loved that Sidearm so much. It just doesn't feel like Unstoppable Champions are as dangerous as they were in Season of the Dawn anymore though.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Apparently everyone is having problems do this when the 2 Cabal are the final bosses , so we are going to give it another go this Saturday night and hope we get one of the "easier" bosses , for the first time ever playing this game no matter what changes we made it didn't affect the out come at all !! We couldn't damage the Bosses no matter what we did , we changed weapons , supers mods etc. we could hurt them !
Dec 17, 2020
This is probably really silly questions, but since my Titan is finally around 1250LL, I had to ask these: (a) How do I get the new Lost Sector exotics? How do I up the difficulty on Lost Sectors now, since I can't just walk into a Rasputin Bunker like I did the last time before Season of Arrivals.

(b) Can I even solo them for the Titan Helmet / Arms / Chest exotics? Also, can a Titan get the ones for my other classes as well? I don't play them all that often so it would save me time if he could.

(c) what are the odds a few people will be available for a NM Presage run on next Tuesday around 8-8:30 PM EST on XboxOne?


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
This is probably really silly questions, but since my Titan is finally around 1250LL, I had to ask these: (a) How do I get the new Lost Sector exotics? How do I up the difficulty on Lost Sectors now, since I can't just walk into a Rasputin Bunker like I did the last time before Season of Arrivals.

(b) Can I even solo them for the Titan Helmet / Arms / Chest exotics? Also, can a Titan get the ones for my other classes as well? I don't play them all that often so it would save me time if he could.

(c) what are the odds a few people will be available for a NM Presage run on next Tuesday around 8-8:30 PM EST on XboxOne?
To get the lost sector exotics you have to solo the legendary lost sectors and the power level is 1330 , as for me I'm 1314 and still not going to attempt it , they can keep it as far as I'm concerned . The Lost Sector that is the Legendary one is marked on the map (you have to do it on normal previously) when you get to the lost sector there is a flag similar to the quest/public event one you have to choose to do the legendary one , I hear it pretty difficult and the barrier champions will chase you !
You'll only get exotics for the class you are playing
I still need to do the Presage mission , but during the week I'm at work at that time , put up a LFG on XBOX that would be your best bet or hit me up this weekend !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
There are a couple of the Legendary LS's that are easier than others. I'd search on YouTube for strategies. I like doing them when they're on void damage increase. I use Lemon Arc bow or Graviton Lance with a void RL. I'm not saying that it's easy. If you do the 1300 LS instead, you still have a chance. I farmed one and it took me 7 completions to get the exotic. My friend got the exotic on the first run.

I still haven't completed the 1330 LS. I'm not even going to try. You can still get the exotic on the 1300 one.
Dec 17, 2020
To get the lost sector exotics you have to solo the legendary lost sectors and the power level is 1330 , as for me I'm 1314 and still not going to attempt it , they can keep it as far as I'm concerned . The Lost Sector that is the Legendary one is marked on the map (you have to do it on normal previously) when you get to the lost sector there is a flag similar to the quest/public event one you have to choose to do the legendary one , I hear it pretty difficult and the barrier champions will chase you !
You'll only get exotics for the class you are playing
I still need to do the Presage mission , but during the week I'm at work at that time , put up a LFG on XBOX that would be your best bet or hit me up this weekend !
Thanks for the information. I have soloed all of the Europa LSes and Moon ones, I just had never seen a flag. I'll look next time. The Void idea is a good one...it limits most issues and would make my Sentinel form a force to be reckoned with.
Dec 17, 2020
To get the lost sector exotics you have to solo the legendary lost sectors and the power level is 1330 , as for me I'm 1314 and still not going to attempt it , they can keep it as far as I'm concerned . The Lost Sector that is the Legendary one is marked on the map (you have to do it on normal previously) when you get to the lost sector there is a flag similar to the quest/public event one you have to choose to do the legendary one , I hear it pretty difficult and the barrier champions will chase you !
You'll only get exotics for the class you are playing
I still need to do the Presage mission , but during the week I'm at work at that time , put up a LFG on XBOX that would be your best bet or hit me up this weekend !
Hey man! If you are on XBox, my gamer tag is SpectralPaladin (going on 17 years as a ghostly knight now....whoa). Send a friend request and I will let you know if I get on tomorrow.
Dec 17, 2020
Will do ! Done
anyone else perpetually getting "Canary" errors in the tower? I literally tried to log on 11 times this weekend just to buy Xur's Lucky Raspberry only to perpetually get booted from the game for "internet connection lost" just in the Tower?