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  1. SpectralPaladin

    New Emblem Hunt

    Hmm...that would work. Honestly I'd love a picture of my Titan from D1 in the RoI armor weilding Young Wolf's Howl. Seriously, I can't be the only person that misses D1 at the end with those absolutely amazing Iron Lord artifacts and those beautiful armor sets. It's making me itch to play D1...
  2. SpectralPaladin

    New Emblem Hunt

    Heya. I was getting ready to find a jpeg for my picture...and realized that the Trials fixing has ruined the reputation of my beloved Hakke emblem (RIP Lyudmila-D, you wonderful weapon of war!) Any suggestions for this Titan? Aside from Crayons....we eat those between times we have to save...
  3. SpectralPaladin

    Trying to start the Hawkmoon Quest

    Once you do the Osiris mission you have to go see Spider, and then you have to get that Silent Hill MacGuffin Cryptolith thing and get one charge and do one Hunt (which I still need to do) ...then you should be able to do the hawkmoon quest. I'm personally hoping someday we get Pocket Infinity...
  4. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    Either Gambit has not been something people wanted, or I've gotten way better at it, but last night the only game out of 5 that I lost was one where it put me in when my team was at 30 motes and the enemy had just summoned the Primeval. I still need 9 Stasis melee kills, which I chalk up to the...
  5. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I have the FR too, I got it for my first Gambit rank up this season. It absolutely slays...but Jotunn is just soo good for the Null Composure quest it's even taken away my love of Duality for the moment.
  6. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I die alot now though. Back with SBMM I would have good days and bad days...since Season of Arrivals it's been nothing but bad. That's part of it. I don't feel at all like I can help a team...I'm just Dead Meat from Hot Shots....XD
  7. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    Honestly I got some crazy luck last night. I went into Gambit to play and work on my fragment quests [new rule...strikes you dolt (to myself XD)] and I got thrown into a match in progress. we were down about 40 motes....and then me and this Shadebinder warlock went on a tear together....and...
  8. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    True. I just think I have Iron Banner-Related Stress Disorder. Regardless, getting the armor would help XD
  9. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    CBMM Iron Banner..... *shudder*. You have a point...I just don't want to do it. I hope they bring back season pass armor. At some point you have to look at the HC crowd and say: We gave you GM Nightfalls....sit down and be quiet....this is for the other people too.
  10. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    This Hunter was in full ToO gear with Bastion, a god rolled Seventh Seraph SMG, and I'm pretty sure a Timelost Corrective Measure. It's like: I get have no life outside the game. How about you not be a total tool while flaunting your "superiority". XD I do like my "Mic Drop" emote...
  11. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    I did one Gambit last night..and one player on the other team was so toxic and my team was so bad (2/3 of the others were AFK the entire time) that I stopped playing at the end. The player on the other team was a Hunter who was invading with Bastion, would easily kill everyone, and then would...
  12. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I'm barely 1270 with my artifact on my Titan....I can't get level ups very easily without the season pass armor (gee...thanks Bungo).
  13. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    I get that. I think Gambit is my kind of PvP. I used to love the FFXI PvP activity because it also included environmental threats (it also still had the best horde modes ever in the Assault and Besieged Events...they made it feel like you could help the hero characters effectively), which...
  14. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    Aztecross did a 1340 LL Lost Sector on Titan maybe a month ago for the legs (he already had a darn near perfect set, he did it to see how hard the 1340 version was)...and it took him 2 hours and like 15 attempts to do it once. He then proceeded to say that it was harder than doing a Grandmaster...
  15. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I keep seeing Concealed Void with Arc Burn and's basically saying: Have Anarchy. Which is fine....I guess. I'm honestly just tired of feeling like they try to force people to do the most difficult content for things. Yeah, I can do the 1310 lost sectors, but the drop rate is...
  16. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I'm hoping they will up the drop rate next season from the Lost Sectors at lower light levels...I just can't crack 1270 Light level, these exotics are nice and getting them is hard for me. XD Also, the fact that they lock your loadout and the fact that a champion can just one-shot me. XD
  17. SpectralPaladin

    Raid Exotics

    I need to do 3 NFs for that annoying second Aspect quest (seriously Darkness subclass you need to streamline the Aspect / Fragment process...these are insane time sinks). But I'm stoked you got a Hung Jury...part of me wants to get a Plug One because I have a feeling that next...
  18. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Oh I've seen it the other team...a few times. I've gotten it as a boss maybe once but by then the enemy primeval was basically dead. It really comes down to: For whatever reason, when I solo queue I either have the bad luck of going up against a ready-made team, or I end up feeling...
  19. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    I may win 1/3 or 1/4 Crucible games. I am not the best PvP player...we are talking a maybe 0.8 KD ratio on a good day. I just have bad luck with the CBMM. With SBMM I hover just over 1.
  20. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Aside from always losing (because, can't win solo queueing in any PvP aside from Rumble ever), I actually like Gambit...and also have NEVER killed the stupid meatball for Malfeasance (see "always losing" XD). I'm also focusing on getting Null Composure in there and LOVE invading...