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  1. SpectralPaladin


  2. SpectralPaladin


    You know what weapon I want back from D1. Well, weapons. The class exotics Tlaloc and Fabian Strategy, only actually make Fabian Strategy the CQB weapon it should have been (ie, since it's an exotic, at close range it's not only a bullet hose, but a bullet hose with the power of a medium range...
  3. SpectralPaladin


    I don't mind the jumping puzzle parts....Lion Rampant does mean that sometimes there are advantages to playing a Titan. However, the Thrall Room in Whisper always confused the heck out of me and caused me to fail my teammates, and Zero Hour is just too long---any screw up can make you fail. I...
  4. SpectralPaladin


    My biggest problem with those timed missions is I forget paths. I never was able to get Whisper or Zero Hour because I'd get lost. Sadly, in real life I can find my way out of a cave with nothing but a flashlight a protein bar, or in a classic MMO I can find my way around as long as I see a N...
  5. SpectralPaladin


    I never got a chance to do any of the Hawkmoon stuff...and am only now hitting around 1250 LL on one character (I seriously JUST finished the Beyond Light campaign). I don't have hours and hours to chase exotics (though I really want Dead Man's's amazing to have the idea of being the...
  6. SpectralPaladin


    For me on my network, that could be a latency issue. Especially with all the party crashers on my Wifi now. Nothing like being told your game is slowing down someone else's Candy your own house.
  7. SpectralPaladin


    No, Buzzard is a really unique bird. If you didn't get it, it's hard to explain. It's a single shot sidearm with Osmosis, which makes it feel like it's ho-hum except for match-game or anything like that. But it hits really hard, and is acurate from a pretty long range. If someone has gotten...
  8. SpectralPaladin


    I never got any of those Y1 & 2 Pinnacle weapons, and I never got any ritual weapons besides Buzzard...and it's still the only Sidearm I really enjoy (so it being sunsetted now annoys the ever-loving crap out of me), but seriously...easiest way to solve the Pinnacle issue Bungie IS to make them...
  9. SpectralPaladin


    While I am sad that they are still supposedly sunsetting all my wonderful Saint-14 Weapons (Seriously Bungie...let this Paladin keep his gleaming, shining weapons), apparently henceforth they will no longer sunset anything. Honestly, they should just stop the sunsetting process period and turn...
  10. SpectralPaladin

    Season of the Chosen

    OK, now I need to ask a buddy's kids to play my account so that I can get to the LL to do the Master mission...the Catalyst let's me be the gunner on a stage coach. Seriously...a Scout Rifle that has NO BLOOM while hipfiring....Oh..My...God.
  11. SpectralPaladin

    Season of the Chosen

    My highest character is only 1155 LL, so I'm worried about trying the quest. However, that new rifle has me really wanting it. And that new Titan Exotic has me actually excited to play Striker for the first time in forever; it's like I'm Anna from Frozen and that exotic is "any human contact". XD
  12. SpectralPaladin

    Your thoughts on the current state of the Crucible. (keep it civil please)

    The Moment they got rid of SBMM and went to CBMM and my ability to feel like I was somewhat OK at PvP to just hating it because I would routinely start going 1K/12D or some such level, I felt like it was a Monkey's Paw. "Be careful what you wish for..." Sure enough about 4 days later Aztecross...
  13. SpectralPaladin

    Your thoughts on the current state of the Crucible. (keep it civil please)

    The little time I've spent in Crucible has made me not want to do Crucible again for a long time. I think that speaks for itself. I don't think it's fun at all. It was like when they removed SBMM in Season of Arrivals and I went from 75-80% done with the TLW quest to less than 1% in an hour...
  14. SpectralPaladin

    New Hobby

    Not yet. But its the smaller one. It was basically a Christmas Gift / test balloon. And the beef I made it in first was fabulous.
  15. SpectralPaladin

    New Hobby

    My New Hobby Is smoking meats. I'm loving my new Weber Smokey Mountain.