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  1. SpectralPaladin


    So I broke down and got enough SIlver to get all the season armor (basically to rank 60, because I don't like the armor ornaments for this season and I don't feel like I need 3 other pairs of Anteaus Wards when all I really want are Lunafaction boots for my Warlock for all the other exotic...
  2. SpectralPaladin


    Well, if I'm still on when you get back.^^
  3. SpectralPaladin


    Hey. I'm sorry about Sunday. She had a good birthday but I think the overexcitement combined with allergies gave her a 2 day nasty sinus infection (truly my child there, sadly). I'll be on tonight and trying to get it done, and also work on Salvations Grip or something. If you can get on...
  4. SpectralPaladin


    Actually I probably can’t get on tonight due to the little one being a little under the weather. But I should be able to get on Tuesday around 8
  5. SpectralPaladin


    Send me a message on Xbox if you get this. I can’t find you in the friend list bud.^^
  6. SpectralPaladin


    What is your weekend schedule? I can maybe squeeze some playtime in on Sunday night. Tonight and Saturday I have in-laws staying with me since the little girl is turning 3 this weekend, but I can try to get on for at least Presage on Sunday night.
  7. SpectralPaladin


    I’ll be hoping to get on tonight around 8 pm EDT.
  8. SpectralPaladin


    I've been doing some Gambit to work on Chaperone and Salvo, once I finally figure out how to get to Elsie in Lost Sector E15 I'll get back to it and Presage that is. But I finally started grinding the Ace of Spades Catalyst and have to say: Finally, an exotic Hand Cannon I actually like.
  9. SpectralPaladin


    Well, I got time for 1 strike on Wednesday night....and Not-But-Really-Is Omnigul gave me both the Ace of Spades AND the Sunshot catalyst. Sure, it's the game pitying me and giving me some really awesome strike loot, but I will take it!
  10. SpectralPaladin


    anyone else perpetually getting "Canary" errors in the tower? I literally tried to log on 11 times this weekend just to buy Xur's Lucky Raspberry only to perpetually get booted from the game for "internet connection lost" just in the Tower?
  11. SpectralPaladin


    Hey man! If you are on XBox, my gamer tag is SpectralPaladin (going on 17 years as a ghostly knight now....whoa). Send a friend request and I will let you know if I get on tomorrow.
  12. SpectralPaladin


    Thanks for the information. I have soloed all of the Europa LSes and Moon ones, I just had never seen a flag. I'll look next time. The Void idea is a good limits most issues and would make my Sentinel form a force to be reckoned with.
  13. SpectralPaladin


    This is probably really silly questions, but since my Titan is finally around 1250LL, I had to ask these: (a) How do I get the new Lost Sector exotics? How do I up the difficulty on Lost Sectors now, since I can't just walk into a Rasputin Bunker like I did the last time before Season of...
  14. SpectralPaladin


    I also really miss wanting to use Devil's Ruin. I loved that Sidearm so much. It just doesn't feel like Unstoppable Champions are as dangerous as they were in Season of the Dawn anymore though.
  15. SpectralPaladin


    I don't mind champions...I mind Cabal Champions. Especially the Barrier Colossi. It's already a turret that does tons of doesn't also need nearly infinite health. Other than that I feel like Champions are's just those ones.
  16. SpectralPaladin


    The fact barrier champions that regen health exist and are given Heir Apparent LMGs is just proof that Bungie needs to stop catering to Hardcore players. I mean seriously, all the hardcore players beat the season in 3 weeks then go back to CoD or some other game and wait for the next season...
  17. SpectralPaladin


    That sounds like the utter nightmare of getting Fourth Horseman solo at 40 under LL last year for me. In the end I literally just killed the 2 bullet sponge barrier champions (I'm sorry Bungie...either a champion gets an unbreakable barrier or they get regenerating HP....THEY DO NOT NOR SHOULD...
  18. SpectralPaladin


    How can I unlock that mission now? I want the gun. I'll be honest, I'm not a Hawkmoon fan really, never was, but I am a completionist whenever possible.
  19. SpectralPaladin


    But if Revoker rewarded you for hitting, it wouldn’t be worth me trying to get. My sniper use is so deliberately low my most used one is DARCI. XD
  20. SpectralPaladin


    Honestly the trick for the FR kills for me was using The Dark Below one Eris gave you (Murmur I think) or Plan C if you got one. Plan C was the best for Up Close since swapping to it made it all to easy to get 3-4 kills with its perk active (also, I totally forgot Plan C!!!! I want that back!)...